Friday, November 5, 2010

Golden Jubilee


The meeting held on 1.11.2010 took following resolutions:
1. A golden jubilee celebration committee was formed with following members:
                   President:  Joydeep Sarmah ( Superintendent, Hostel No. 2)
   Working President:  Rajiv Duwari
                   Secretary: Sanjay Sarmah
                 Joint Secy.: Pranjal Pratim Saikia
                                      A.M. Mohiuddin Tapadar
                 Asst. Secy.: Hirokjyoti Pegu
                                      Kausalayan Mutsuddi
                 Treasurer:   Nayeemuddin ahmed
                                       Abhishek Das
2. The final committee including Alumni of our hostel will be formed on the meeting to be held on 14.11.2010.
3. A bank account to be opened in the name of "JEC HOSTEL NO. 2 GOLDEN JUBILEE" which will be jointly operated by Sanjay Sarmah & Abhishek Das.

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